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Special Notice to Springfield Sanitary District Customers within the Curran-Gardner Water District service area


At the request of the Springfield Metro Sanitary District, the Curran Gardner Water District has agreed to serve as the billing agent for the Sanitary District.  The Sanitary District rates, as determined by the rate schedule adopted by the Sanitary District Board are now included on the Curran Gardner billing system. The Water District has no authority to set sewer rates, nor to otherwise interfere in the operation of the Sanitary District.  questions concerning the rates set by the Sanitary District, or questions about the operation of the Sanitary District should be directed to the Sanitary District offices at 528-0491.

The Sangamon County Water Reclamation District has increased it's rates effective May 1, 2024 as per their Rate Ordinance approved July 31, 2019.  The new rate increase will be effective on or after May 1, 2024 are as follows.

SCWRD Monthly Service Charge:  $14.51

User Fee per 1,000 Gallons:        $8.98


The Village of Curran will be increasing their sewer rates on May 1, 2024, as follows:

Residential minimum flat rate:    $64.86

Every 1,000 after first 2,000:     $10.03

Business minimum flat rate:       $87.16

Every 1,000 after first 2,000:     $10.03